158 million U.S. Internet users -- or 80% of the nation's online population -- watched online video in July, according to new data from comScore Video Metrix. A total of 21.4 billion videos were viewed during the month.
The duration of the average online video was 3.7 minutes, while the average online video viewer watched about 500 minutes of video, or 8.3 hours, according to the research company.
In July, Google Sites continued to rank as the top U.S. video property with a record 8.9 billion videos viewed, making up 42% of all videos viewed online. YouTube.com accounted for more than 99% of all videos viewed at the property.
Viacom Digital ranked a distant second with 812 million -- at 3.8 percent -- followed by Microsoft Sites with 631 million videos viewed -- at 3%.
More than 158 million viewers watched an average of 135 videos during the month of July.
Google Sites surpassed its all-time high with 121 million unique viewers during the month -- 74.1 videos per viewer -- followed by Microsoft Sites with 65 million viewers -- 9.8 videos per viewer. Fox Interactive Media did the same with 52 million viewers -- 10.8 videos per viewer.
The average Hulu viewer watched 12 videos, totaling 1 hour and 13 minutes of videos per viewer.
In July, ScanScout Network ranked as the Number 1 video ad network with a potential reach of 80.1 million viewers, or 50.6% of the total viewing audience.
Tremor Media ranked second with a potential reach of 71.1 million viewers -- 44.9 percent penetration -- followed by YuMe Video Network with 68.1 million viewers, at 43%.
Tremor Video Network ranked as the largest ad network in terms of actual delivered reach with 20% viewer penetration followed by Brightroll Video Network, at 17.4% and BBE, at 14.4%.