According to Michael Boland, program director, Mobile Local Media (MLM), The Kelsey Group. “There is a strong correlation between local search and the mobile use case, which will cause a good portion of the ongoing mobile application boom to focus on local.”
Findings covered in the report include:
- U.S. Mobile Ad Revenues will grow from $160M in 2008 to $3.1B in 2013 (81.2% growth per year)
- U.S. Mobile Local Search Ad Revenues will grow from $20M in 2008 to $1.3B in 2013 (130.5% growth per year)
- The percentage of mobile searches that have local intent will increase from 28 percent in 2008 to 35 percent in 2013
- There are currently 54.5 million mobile Internet users in the United States, representing 25 percent of online users
- Approximately 15 percent of iPhone applications are local.
Info from Kesley, chart from Praised Media